Tuesday, April 15, 2008

time to GO...

Enough now. It's time for whatever this is TO GO. I've had enough. Here at the end of the day I still feel like one big nerve ending. I feel shaky. Walking seems to be a chore and both arms feel as though they weigh a couple hundred pounds each--not to mention both hands now feeling tingly.

The chiro did a couple different things and I felt better (not 100%) right then but now I'm back to feeling off kilter (no comments). At least though I do not feel as though I'm in some strange fog...but still if only I could get my body to feel normal. I'm starting to wonder/worry if I'll ever feel that way again. I do feel some panic. Afterall, can you imagine the things running through my mind? Just imagine what would run through your mind if you were experiencing this.

The chiro knows there is some sort of breakdown somewhere in my system. He even mentioned this could be something viral which could take 7 to 14 days to run its course. WTF?? He along with some others have suggested some vitamin B which is somewhat ironic as just recently I was thinking I needed to start taking some sort of vitamin since I know my diet is crap. Wonder if I can get the doc to give me B12 shot?? Yeah, the doc. I go back to him tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it. My mind is already working overtime on that one just knowing he's going to tell me all these things that are wrong with me.

So I sit here with my mind working overtime thinking up nothing but gloom and doom. Say a little prayer for me to get through all of this and to conquer whatever this is and soon in the easiest way possible (read: some sort of oral supplement...).

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