Friday, April 11, 2008

SO tired...

I 's only 8:30p but I swear I think if I lay down I could go to sleep. I'm yawning and my body is telling me to rest. But I'm afraid if I go to bed this early I'll be awake in the middle of the night. Maybe, maybe not. It's been a hell of a day and my body is telling me it's time to rest. It's been a weird day.

I actually woke up a little earlier than I have been. But I woke up feeling as though my left arm, hand and left leg were asleep. You know, the feeling that a body part has gone to sleep and as it begins to awaken it's all tingly. Well imagine that in your arm and leg at the same time. And it wasn't going away. Yes, that was alarming. So I got ready and went to work and then called for a doctor's appointment. Surprisingly they told me they could fit me in right then. Perhaps it was because they feared stroke. Whatever. I didn't have time to think about it and panic so I went.

Long story short. No stroke--I knew that. Not sure what the doctor is thinking either but he doesn't seemed too concerned. I guess that could be good and bad. I'm taking it as good otherwise I'll make myself crazy. So I left some blood and got some drugs and go back next week. In the meantime I'm still experiencing the tingly sensation and trying not to dwell on it all. In fact, I'm telling myself it will all be fine.

So maybe that is why I'm so tired and ready to call it a night before 9p.

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