Friday, January 11, 2008

Ahhhh, the weekend....

It was the first full week back to work after the holidays and I am beat. It's not even nine o'clock on Friday night and I can't seem to stop yawning and my eyes just want to slam shut. By the end of the day on Thursday I was just thirty minutes shy of forty hours for the week....could be one of the reasons I am so tired. When I first got home I had grand aspirations of doing something crafty....well, forget that!

It's a bit lonely around here tonight because Willy is at the vet. He's not been himself this week and has eaten very little all week long. Initially I thought he might just be pissed because Sissy's been inside quite a bit and she does eat anything left out and has been sleeping in several of his spots--including on my bed. I've made her stay out almost all week but it hasn't seemed to help him so she was allowed to stay in last night and this morning he was carted off to the vet. The initial exam revealed nothing and the feline leukemia test was negative (that goodness). Unfortunately they've not been able to get enough blood for other lab work. I guess the good news is the vet said he was being a bit difficult this afternoon so maybe with the fluids he's been getting and the antibiotics they've started him on he's starting to bounce back from whatever is going on. With luck he'll get to come home tomorrow. (And hopefully it won't hit me too hard in the wallet.)

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