Friday, January 25, 2008

Memory Triggers...

Isn't it interesting how a scent will trigger a memory. There you are, going along minding your own business and suddenly there is a scent that takes you to another place, another time or just carries your thougths to something totally different from what had been on your mind.

I was headed out of the office to the ladies room thinking how in a few short hours I would be free for a few days. Here I am on the cusp of the weekend. And just as I reached the door I detected the lingering scent of someone who had just left the office. It was one of the favorites of my mother and it seems like forever since I last smelled it. But there it was in the air and it reminded me of mom.

I'm reminded of Sunday when I returned from Galveston. As I was putting away a few things I noticed on my dresser one of my diamond earrings. There it was sitting beside the tiny box I keep it in. I know I placed both of the earrings in there after I last wore them. I know I did. I always take care to put them away as they are so tiny they could be easily lost and I would be devastated if that happened because mom bought them for me (I thought I'd lost one about a year ago and I remember the panic till I found it--but that's another story.) But there the earring was beside the tiny box. At that moment my thoughts turned to mom...that she had placed that earring there for me to find. How else could it be explained? As much movement and shuffling as there was last Friday while trying to pack to leave for Galveston there's no way it wouldn't have been knocked to the floor--and possibly lost forever--if it had been on the dresser then. I choose to believe it was truly a sign from mom.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My ghost says yes it was your Mom saying hi:)