Saturday, January 12, 2008

Some days ya just gotta do nothing...

And for the most part, today was one of those days. I admit too, I've been trying to work in more of those days when I can.

Willy came home this morning with several meds---getting them down him is quite an ordeal. He's still not quite himself but I'm hoping the appetite stimulant he was given will help him start to eat and bounce back. I guess we just have to take things one day at a time. I just hope I don't have to endure too many scratches in the process.

I did sit down tonight and play with my last bookclub kit--since bookclub is tomorrow. I've managed to make two (unrelated) pages but I did use the kit and it really was a challenge as it contained paper I wouldn't normally choose. Not sure if I'll play anymore before bed but it could happen...

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