Saturday, January 09, 2010

On the domestic front...

I've spent the day working in the kitchen. I now know what is in my pantry and have it organized. Still need a few things but it is now in a useable state. Next up in the kitchen will be to get the cabinets cleaned out and organized though I confess that isn't likely to happen tomorrow (at least not at this point cause I'm tired of being in the kitchen!) But it's all good. I feel much better about getting in there to cook and that is the thing that matters most.

I'm thinking of a glass of wine (or two) to reward myself and at the same time I want to accomplish something else--not sure what though. I think I may try to pick up a bit and I know I need to get some laundry done. I would really like to squeeze in some scrap play time and just might.

Happy to have had a productive day.

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