Monday, January 18, 2010


I started off the year so well keeping up with blog posts. And then it all went to hell last week. Try as I might, I just could not fit in time to post. There were a couple evenings that I didn't even some near the computer once I got home. Wednesday being one of them. After going in at 7:30a and working till 11p I just wanted to fall into bed when I made it through the door.

Thankfully it was a three day weekend to help in recovery. I actually contemplated going in to the office because so much on my desk remains undone but I just couldn't make myself do it. Saturday was spent playing with paper all day--I got 7 pages of MY pictures done. I did venture out on Sunday but accomplished very little. Today I have been a blob. I got up early-purposely-but only managed a task or two (some laundry and making a big batch of chicken spaghetti) before settling into the recliner for a nap. Since waking I've not really done anything and I forsee much of the same in my evening.

Tomorrow I will be back at it though hoping I won't be repeating the insane hours of last week. I also forsee a busy weekend--MS event Saturday then down to Galveston for Saturday night and Sunday afternoon concerts. Perhaps I should consider taking next Monday off....

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