Thursday, January 07, 2010


I'm loving tomorrow...cause it's FRIDAY! Yes, I know it was only a three day work week...but I did work Monday and Tuesday even if it wasn't all day. And I DID get up early every day...though I did sleep longer this morning than I really should have.

It's been a busy week...and a COLD week so it'll be nice to have an open weekend. Only limited by my imagination (and maybe my bank account) but I'm content with that. I have grand plans for being domestic this weekend. It's time to work on that organizing issue and first up is the kitchen. Plenty of work to be done there.

I'm hoping to spend time creating as well. It's time to make time for playing and creating and doing the things I love. It's a new year, a new decade and time to make new memories...even if the first ones are being domestic and getting in some relaxation.

Hopefully too I can get some pictures posted (even if they are Christmas shots) cause it's getting a bit too wordy here!

Happy Friday!

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