Friday, January 08, 2010

Well earned rest ahead...

It's been busy, busy, busy at the much so that I did something I swore I would no longer do and that was miss lunch. I got busy....the office got busy and next thing I knew, it was almost 3pm. And to me that is just too late to a lunch break unless I'm actually leaving for the day because why break then come back for an hour? At that point I've usually got some mojo going ao I might as well keep working. The high point was a visit from one of my favorite students.

Next thing I knew, it was 5:30p and I was still there. I told the boss I wouldn't stay late...and then proceeded to work till 7p. Truthfully I'd probably still be there if I hadn't made myself stop and go home.

A quick trip to Walmart (because it's the only place I can get guava nector) and then home to leftover chicken spaghetti--thank goodness I had it otherwise no telling what I would have eaten if I would have even bothered.

It almost seems strange having a weekend with no outside commitments. Not exactly sure why...but it does. I hope to focus my energy and time on this kitchen. There isn't really anything else taking place, it won't cost a dime and it's going to be too cold to get out and about. Here's hoping for some much deserved rest and a weekend of accomplishment!

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