Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Going Broke....

...one store at a time!!! Target has become as evil or moreso than Walmart in my book. At least that's been my experience the last month or so. I swear I cannot walk out of any store for less than twenty bucks...and it adds up fast. One of my goals for 2009 is to get my spending under control. It's time to cook and eat at home more, scrap with what I have before buying more--no matter how in love I am with whatever, only buy what I really, really need and stay home more...heaven knows I have plenty to scrap and plenty to read! Here's to a more thrifty 2009. Care to join me???

1 comment:

Unknown said...

One of my roll over goals from 2008. I am hoping to get much better in 2009. I am actually updating the budget,.