Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Oprah's plight???

So yesterday morning I hear that Oprah is embarrassed and ashamed that she's gained back weight she had lost. Now I had noticed a while back she was starting to go up in size but who am I to comment on such a thing since I suffer from the same? Again this morning there is more talk of Oprah's weight gain.

Ok probably not what she would want to hear but I find it refreshing to hear! She's just like everyone else! Despite her fame, fortune and um, power, she has a problem many suffer from. She is normal.....well as normal as one can be with such money, etc. She battles extra poundage. She goes through a rough time and finds comfort in a pint of ice cream (or whatever her vice may be).

I say embrace who you are Oprah. You have enough money, etc. to tell everyone to go to hell. Be happy with who you are. If your health is good and you aren't experiencing medical issues then you need to live as you want and to hell with everyone else. Don't give into society's ideals of what a person should look like-your happiness is what matters!

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