Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hanging in....

I have to admit that I'm a bit surprised that Willy is still hanging in there. He is very weak and will not eat or drink. He will lay in one position for quite a while then somehow muster up the strength to move ever so slighly. It's obvious the slightest little effort tires him out.

When I returned home yesterday he had somehow managed to make it from under the bed on one side of the room to under a chair on the other. Quite a feat given his condition. After some time he dragged himself from under the chair into the open.

I scooped him up and sat out on the patio for a bit holding him. He would lift his head every once in a while but it was obvious it was quite an effort for him. After a bit I lay him on the couch--I sat on the floor. I finally decided to go to the bed. I held him for a bit then I put him beside me on a pallet.

An hour or so later I awoke to find he had moved toward the foot of the bed. I moved him back beside me. A bit later I heard a thud and awoke to find him on the floor beside the bed. I gingerly put him back in the box beside my bed which is where he is resting at the moment.

Even in his weakness he is struggling to be independent and yet he allows me to hold him--even snuggling up to me.

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