Sunday, December 07, 2008

So many projects... little time....every year it seems I'm last minute trying to get things done for the office. I had grand plans of doing so much yesterday and instead spent most of the day in bed. My body couldn't hold out another week but chose yesterday to rebel. So much for working on projects at Robin's, going to Kim's party, accomplishing anything.

So here I am on Sunday trying my best to get things done and not sure of just where to start. My place is a wreck-nothing new there when this time of year rolls around (see pic below). I have started on my office gifts but not sure what all I want to do--and of course, time is short. I still need to finish Christmas cards and get them in the mail among a few other things that need to be mailed sooner rather than later.

..So wishing I could just blink my eyes and everything would be neat and organized and I could just play to my heart's content.....afterall, it is the season of miracles!! Happy Sunday....

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