Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Extra Second...

What will you do with your extra second this year?? Yep, a whole extra second. To get the atomic clocks in synch with the earth's rotation there is a second being added to 2008. According to the news for those of us in the central time zone that extra second will occur at 5:59:59p. Make the most of your second cause you'll never get it back!!

Small steps...

Slow start this morning...being somewhat lazy but I did manage to get the following pages framed and hung....

What a difference a year makes....

Just for grins I decided to check the number of posts for 2007 versus 2008. I found in 2007 I posted 154 times, the number rose significantly in 2008 to 427 (prior to this post). Not sure if I had more to say or was just more diligent! 427! That's at least a post a day and obviously sometimes more than one. Now I know I did not post daily so there must have been some days when I thought I really had something to say! To those of you who read this discourse (big word learned in high school--wow guess the public school system and the ghetto school did teach me something); thank you.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

One Little Word....

My word for 2008 was balance and it really took on a different meaning after the events of April and May and the MS diagnosis. It's something I'm still striving for and something I kept in mind when choosing a word for 2009. I made a decision weeks ago but am just now getting around to blogging about it.

I believe my 2009 word compliments and corresponds well with my 2008 word. The word I have chosen for 2009 is structure. I feel I could use more structure in my life in various ways and will strive for that in the new year. I believe it also fits well with the goals I strive to achieve in '09.

So there you have it!

'08 Goal Review

Below are the goals I outlined for 2008 and here on the cusp of 2009 I thought it was a good time to go over them...see if any were met or need revision.....

Goal: go through boxes in dining room and disburse items to permanent place or purge them. (Done!)
....this one I actually did accomplish

Goal: continue to go through items in apartment to find them a permanent home or purge them
...this is ongoing.....

Goal: go through items in storage unit and find them a permanent home among my things or purge them.
...okay, not even touched...the MS thing kinda threw a wrench in this plan....something renewed for '09

Goal: go through my closets and purge clothing I do not or cannot wear (send items in good condition to charity---Tim, you may be getting a call for a pick up!)
....I desparately need to do this....I had hoped to get to this during break but obviously that did not happen....spring break maybe???

Goal: go through and sort scrap supplies so I know what I have so I can use them. Purge any that I feel are no longer my style or that I will not use (any suggestions are greatly appreciated on what to do with them because I know I have stuff in good, useable condition).
....something I've just recently started....well, I have at least started working toward organizing my scraproom...this will certainly be an ongoing item...

Goal: Cook more meals and eat at home. Also, eat healthier.
...probably could have done better with this and definitely a renewed goal for '09...I've already signed up for a couple of the classes at Williams-Sonoma to help with this....

Goal: Either go to the gym and workout or at the very least walk on a regular basis.
...another goal the MS thing kinda screwed up...but that should be an excuse to actually do this so yes...another renewed goal for '09...

Goal: save some money instead of spending every nickel I get!

....hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.......most definitely a goal to be renewed for '09!...I believe it's time to add the word budget to my vocabulary......

Life goes on...

Willy is gone but life certainly goes on. Perhaps I should be more distraught. Maybe it hasn't fully hit me. It will be tomorrow before I can take him for burial.

For now, I've been to the store and am starting to pick up around here. There's laundry to be done and heaven knows I need to vaccuum (something I've not done the past few days as I did not want to disturb or upset Willy too badly--Sissy is on her own).

Call me cold-hearted but I think of things like not having litter slung everywhere (Sissy seems to be more diligent and neat in that department). I can have rugs on the floor without having to wash them daily because Willy decided he liked that better than his litter box. No more 1a to 3a wakeups for feeding because he wants fresh food. Cheaper catfood bills because Sissy does not eat can food. No more papers or magazines shredded because it's fun.

But also, no more fighting at the front door because Willy is trying to sneak out. No more kitty curled up sleeping on the back of the couch. No more kitty snuggling (Sissy does not like being held and I don't feel like being clawed to death).



I was awake off and on during the night and would always check Willy and stroke his fur doing what I could to settle him. Around 5am this morning I held him for a while and even in his weak state he would try to nuzzle my neck. After a bit I could tell he was growing more tired so I returned him to the box on the floor and I went back to sleep as well. When I woke around 8:30a there was no stirring....I couldn't see any movement....I placed my hand on him and he was cold.....Willy left us sometime this morning. I just hope he knows how much he was loved.

Hanging in....

I have to admit that I'm a bit surprised that Willy is still hanging in there. He is very weak and will not eat or drink. He will lay in one position for quite a while then somehow muster up the strength to move ever so slighly. It's obvious the slightest little effort tires him out.

When I returned home yesterday he had somehow managed to make it from under the bed on one side of the room to under a chair on the other. Quite a feat given his condition. After some time he dragged himself from under the chair into the open.

I scooped him up and sat out on the patio for a bit holding him. He would lift his head every once in a while but it was obvious it was quite an effort for him. After a bit I lay him on the couch--I sat on the floor. I finally decided to go to the bed. I held him for a bit then I put him beside me on a pallet.

An hour or so later I awoke to find he had moved toward the foot of the bed. I moved him back beside me. A bit later I heard a thud and awoke to find him on the floor beside the bed. I gingerly put him back in the box beside my bed which is where he is resting at the moment.

Even in his weakness he is struggling to be independent and yet he allows me to hold him--even snuggling up to me.

Monday, December 29, 2008

In Hiding...

Despite being nearly 1am before heading to bed it was well after 2am before I fell asleep--so much for getting up fairly early. I finally rolled out around 9ish and could have stayed longer if I'd let myself.

Willy is even more lathargic and won't even drink now. I dressed and went to the chiropractor and he was missing when I got home....because he is curled up under my bed sleeping. He is still breathing so I've decided to leave him be for now. He obviously doesn't want to be disturbed. I may try to get him out after I get back from running errands. Who knows, he may surprise me and come out on his own. So far every time he's left the box beside my bed he has returned.

Is it really nearly 1a.m.???

Amazing how when you get engrossed in something you lose track of time. I've been creating and had no idea how late it has become. Although I don't have to worry about getting up for work I do need to get some sleep so I'm not sleeping all day. And now is not the time to get into the bad habit of staying up late and sleeping in. But I've really been enjoying being able to sit down and create.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

From the WTF? file...

Saw this tonight in Walmart on the clearance aisle....

....wasn't Easter like---MARCH???

Where the hell have they been hiding this and why did they decide to drag it out during the after Christmas clearance??? At this point why not just hold it till Easter. That can only mean another month or two before they start stocking Easter stuff (since Valentine is going up now...)


Small progress but progress....Willy just ate a little baby food. The vet had suggested it among other things. I tried the various kidney diet food he sent home with me....actual turkey....tuna...nothing, only water. After a trip to Walmart and a jar of turkey baby food I found something he will at least try. He only ate a few bites but it was with gusto. I think he was just too tired and weak to eat anymore. I've been giving him water about every hour all day so I'm doing what I can to keep him hydrated. And now he is eating.

I still find him in the litter box every once in a while but I leave him...and eventually he makes his way back to the cardboard box in my bedroom. In fact, when I left for Walmart he was in the litter box....when I returned he was curled up back in my bedroom. Maybe now that I found something he'll actually eat he'll get some energy back and get back to annoying me! Keep your fingers crossed....

Willy Update...

If you're following the saga of Willy you'll be sad to hear that he is not doing well at all. He saw another vet on Friday who had a prognosis that was a little better. Despite the glimmer of hope Willy doesn't seem to be buying it. I haven't gotten him to eat anything since Friday night though he will at least still drink.

He disappeared Friday night and was MIA most of Saturday but decided he liked the litter box as a bed. I managed to get him settled in a box with a towel that is currently beside my bed. All he does is sleep (which is okay) and sadly appears to be growing weaker almost by the minute. At the moment I'm doing what I can to keep him comfortable.

On another note, I had a fabulous time hanging and scrapping with Joey last night. I showed up empty handed but no worries as she had plenty of supplies to keep me entertained! I proceeded to see what I could produce from one CTMH paper pack. I made several New Year's card fronts, a few pages and 20 pages for a 6x6 album that I decided will be a reflection of Willy. Now to print pictures and do journaling.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Wow....two days in a row!

Yep...I've scrapped two days in a row! I knew when I saw this paper today it was perfect for this particular picture.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Scrappy Christmas...

The bird is almost done and I've decided to sit down to scrap a bit. Working on old pictures and whatever else appeals to me. These are from my Christmas trip to Ohio back in 2003.

Sneaky Little Critter....

Willy really wanted to go outside so I let him out on the patio yesterday afternoon....and I could hear his crying (meowing).....then it stopped. I figured he had finally settled down. I looked on the patio but no Willy. I shut the door and looked for him inside. I called his name. No Willy. I decided to check my mail and as I walked down the sidewalk there sits Willy in the grass looking at me.

Two options...he jumped off the balcony or he ran out earlier when I shut the door after UPS left. Thinking about it, it was after the UPS delivery that I last heard him on the patio. The little stink had to have jumped!

Currently he is walking from door to door crying. I told him I didn't think I could trust him unsupervised on the patio but I let him out. I watched him. Next thing I know he is slipping his body under the rail getting ready to jump! I grab him and pull him back, pitch him inside and shut the door. He has now lost his patio priviledges.

Can't believe it's taken two and a half years for him to decide to jump.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Winter Wonderland....

Five Years Ago...

Lazy Day...

Thus far it's been a lazy day. I've not really done much of anything to speak of other than trying to keep a dying cat calm and comfortable--he just wants to walk around and cry-LOUD. I did think of getting out this morning but the weather is rather nasty and in reality there is nothing I'm looking for or need.

I may possibly do something later if the package I'm expecting by UPS arrives at a decent time. I've even thought of going to candlelight services at one of the area churches. It's been years since I've been to candlelight and never in this town. And I do know the minister of one of the local churches.

I've also thought of all the things I could do tonight to make it a cozy Christmas eve. Things like sipping wine or hot chocolate....baking cookies...watching some of my favorite shows (like Gilmore Girls or House since I have a few seasons of each on DVD)...then there's always watching A Christmas Story on TBS--for 24 hours!.....listening to Christmas music (which I've not really done this year) and reading (heaven knows I have plenty to read)....scrapping favorite things or just catching up on all the things I want to many things I can do....

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It just doesn't feel like Christmas....

Not sure why but it doesn't feel all that much like Christmas to least not this year. I don't think it's the weather. Heaven knows we've had plenty of Christmases that involved running the air conditioner and wearing shorts. Maybe it's because I never did get that tree up...or any other decorations--although there are several cards from various friends displayed throughout my living room.

Maybe it's because I've not done any real Christmas shopping...I have no last minute things to get done...Willy being real holiday trips this year (the tree at the state capitol was rather disappointing to me)...

...and heaven help me, I am contemplating going out tomorrow to see if there are any bargains to be had.....or maybe I just feel the need to get caught up in the frenzy? I should really just stay home and do things around here....there's plenty and I'll still have nearly a week to get out and play before I have to return to work....

Christmas Eve Eve....

Two days before Christmas and it almost seems foreign that I don't have a million things to do to finish gifts, cook, etc. I can basically relax and do whatever I desire. Today I am having lunch with Robin and then I may try to do a little shopping this afternoon. There's really nothing I need and funds are low but somehow the thrill of being out in the mess is appealing (that's now as I sit here, getting out is a different story!). I aspire to be creative this evening...we'll see how far I get!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Sick Little Guy...

Willy isn't doing well. He's in kidney failure and the vet doesn't think he has much longer....anywhere from a week to a month (at best). Since it's Christmas and they'll be closed they really can't do much but he did send me home with an IV so I can give him fluids daily. Hopefully that will help though I'm not sure how much. The vet said it's just something we haven't seen when he's been for past visits. I just don't want him to suffer. He said if there's no improvement in a week the humane thing would be put him down. My poor baby....

Sick Kitty :(

Willy isn't feeling well.....he won't eat and mainly just lays around sleeps. And he's soooooo skinny. Moreso than usual. I've taken him to the vet who says other than his loss of weight there's nothing now he's doing bloodwork. Hopefully he can be pumped full of drugs and be back up in no time.

Baby Steps....

Progress is slow but that's okay...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008

I am my mother's child...

It's late on Saturday afternoon and no matter how I try I just cannot get into cleaning and organizing my stuff. It's not that I don't want to, I do. I just can't get started. I pick something up and just relocate it and then do the same with the next item.

I think of all the other things I could be doing. But I want my scrap space clean and organized. I also want someone else to do it...wouldn't that be nice. At least I did manage to get another shelf put up and another cube assembled. I am going to try to make myself get this needs to be has to be done!

Besides, it's supposed to be really, really cold tomorrow so a good day to stay in and scrap.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Austin souvenir....

Seems I broght something back from Austin that can't be returned--a cold. I guess I should be thankful that it is mild. Hopefully it will pass soon.

Where'd it go???

I'm talking about my week. It was Monday and's Friday already. Isn't amazing how quickly time will pass when you're off and doing whatever you want to do. In retrospect I don't believe I really accomplished much of anything though it was nice being away. Now it's time to get started on all the projects around home I'm hoping to tackle. Wish me luck!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Plans for the day and random musings....

How'd it get to be Thursday already?? Time moves quickly when you have time off. In the blink of an eye it will be January 2, and I'll be back at work. But no need to think of that right now.

It's almost 9am. and I really should get packed up and get going. It's foggy out and I really want that to burn off before I get on the road though that might not be till noon. I will make one last shopping loop before hitting 71 south. I think a trip to Barnes and Noble is in order to pick up books I saw---or at least jot down titles and authors and possibly pick up scrumptious cupcakes available in their coffee shop. Michaels has their scrap cubes on sale again this week and though I picked one up on Tuesday I keep thinking I may want just one more...

And then there are the random musings running through my head. How I'd love to blink my eyes and have my apartment spotless and orderly. Of course, that will require hard work but I do have the time if I'll just do it! And how I want to be more organized. I need to be more organized. I have high hopes of making that happen but again, it will require some hard work...and discipline. Goals, goals, goals. Oh and I want to scrap.......but things have to be cleaned and organized first. Back to those goals, goals, goals.....


I have arrived home and just need to get the rest of my things from the car and put them away. I've been going nuts since Monday when I realized I could not find my glasses....and I so hoped they would be on the dining table when I got home. They aren't. So my next idea was to 'retrace my steps' from when I last remember having them which was Sunday. My first call was to Massage Envy and sure enough, I left them there on the counter. Mystery solved. Now I just need to make a run to retrieve them. At least now I don't have to buy a whole new pair!

I enjoyed the time away though I seem to have developed a bit of a cold--lucky me. At least it appears to be mild so hopefully I can shake it before it rages.

Now it's time to get to work on things around here. Pictures later.....

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

State Capitol

How cool is it that we can come and go at the state capitol as we please. Afterall, it is the house of the people. So this afternoon I wandered the halls and the grounds of the capitol. I'll share pictures when I return home.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Kicking Back in Austin.....

Why didn't someone warn me it was going to be so damn cold???!!??? I was expecting somewhat mild temps not possible sleet and ice freeze your ass weather! Thankfully there wasn't any ice.

It was nice to sleep in a bit and do things at my leisure with no real schedule or responsibities. Just spent the day doing at little shopping at some of my favorite places...Michaels, Barnes and Noble, JoAnns, Avenue....all places I could go at home but these are somehow different....even a little better. I always enjoy stopping by these places when in town. It's familiar.....

I have one more full day (this trip) to enjoy Austin. My activities will be dependent upon the weather. If it's too cold I don't think I want to be strolling around outside much and I dcan't think of anything at any mall I would need or want. Heck I was in the Lakeline Mall area today and did not stop!

So maybe tomorrow will be downtown Austin and all it has to offer. Afterall, I need to get some pictures to commemorate my trip! Maybe I can even manage to get some pictures of the various Christmas lights as several houses in the neighborhood have decorated.

Monday, December 15, 2008


My place is picked up (still needs work but it's better than it was), the garbage is out and I'm packed. Just need to throw on clothes finish up throwing things in a bag and then I'm off for a few days. I have decided against dragging the laptop. See everyone in a few days!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Self Indulgence....

I should have stayed home today and cleaned and such. Instead it was an afternoon of self-indulgence that began with an hour and a half of massage. DEVINE. After that I treated myself to lunch-with desert-at Pappasitos. Yummy. What a wonderful way to kick off the holiday break.

Home now I have a million things to get done tonight so I can run off to Austin tomorrow for a few days. Elsa will still be working but I can play on my own during the day. Looking forward to a trip to the capital and possibly the Bob Bullock Museum, some vintage shopping (or at least looking) on South Congress and maybe even squeezing in a little scrapping along the way. I'm sure the evenings will be filled with lots of laughter, gossip, good food and wine.

I'll try to post along the way...but no promises. :)

Have a good week all.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Was that really snow coming down yesterday afternoon? I dreamed of waking to a landscape covered in white but that is not the case. My main concern?--that there is no ice on the steps. I learned my lesson and have NO intentions of riding down on my rear again. I do believe however they are clear and departure shouldn't be a problem.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Oprah's plight???

So yesterday morning I hear that Oprah is embarrassed and ashamed that she's gained back weight she had lost. Now I had noticed a while back she was starting to go up in size but who am I to comment on such a thing since I suffer from the same? Again this morning there is more talk of Oprah's weight gain.

Ok probably not what she would want to hear but I find it refreshing to hear! She's just like everyone else! Despite her fame, fortune and um, power, she has a problem many suffer from. She is normal.....well as normal as one can be with such money, etc. She battles extra poundage. She goes through a rough time and finds comfort in a pint of ice cream (or whatever her vice may be).

I say embrace who you are Oprah. You have enough money, etc. to tell everyone to go to hell. Be happy with who you are. If your health is good and you aren't experiencing medical issues then you need to live as you want and to hell with everyone else. Don't give into society's ideals of what a person should look like-your happiness is what matters!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Going Broke.... store at a time!!! Target has become as evil or moreso than Walmart in my book. At least that's been my experience the last month or so. I swear I cannot walk out of any store for less than twenty bucks...and it adds up fast. One of my goals for 2009 is to get my spending under control. It's time to cook and eat at home more, scrap with what I have before buying more--no matter how in love I am with whatever, only buy what I really, really need and stay home more...heaven knows I have plenty to scrap and plenty to read! Here's to a more thrifty 2009. Care to join me???

Ready or it comes....

Whether you celebrate Hannukkah or Christmas, it's just around the corner. And of course that also signals the end of another year--be it good or bad.

On the upside is it's the time of year where we get various goodies...such as homemade tamales for breakfast!! (Of course the downside is the weight gain from all the goodies...)

Monday, December 08, 2008


I'd forgotten how good a fresh Christmas tree smells. Had to run to the store and just outside the store are trees waiting for homes. I haven't had a fresh tree in y-e-a-r-s. I would consider a fresh tree this year but they were all big and I have limited space. Not to mention that's money that can be spent elsewhere. If I get around to putting up a tree (cause I've done nothing so far) I'll stick to my artificial one. Wonder if I could get in trouble for just hanging out and sniffing trees???

On another note, I've accomplished items 3 and 4 on my list below! Maybe I'll tackle the other before bed...

Tonight's Agenda...

#1 Make list of things to be done
#2 Follow to do list
#3 Go by Joey's and pick up SEI and CTMH orders
#4 Address and stamp Christmas cards-drop off at post office (maybe this should be #3 then I could run by the post office the same time I run by Joey's.....)

Hmmmm, maybe I should just posts my lists here and then I might actually at least get them written down--maybe even follow them.....hahahahahaha


I think I spelled that correctly. Basically it's the best way to sum up all the thoughts running through my head. The various projects to be done--several before the end of the week. Wondering if I should bother with putting up a tree at this point. Thinking of all the things to be done at work this week. Worried because my stupid check engine light has come on again and I can't get it checked till tomorrow (mechanic backed up)--praying it's nothing. Hoping it does not interfere with plans to spend a few days in Austin next week. Thinking about the fact my apartment is a disaster and needs a thorough cleaning. All fun things.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

So many projects... little time....every year it seems I'm last minute trying to get things done for the office. I had grand plans of doing so much yesterday and instead spent most of the day in bed. My body couldn't hold out another week but chose yesterday to rebel. So much for working on projects at Robin's, going to Kim's party, accomplishing anything.

So here I am on Sunday trying my best to get things done and not sure of just where to start. My place is a wreck-nothing new there when this time of year rolls around (see pic below). I have started on my office gifts but not sure what all I want to do--and of course, time is short. I still need to finish Christmas cards and get them in the mail among a few other things that need to be mailed sooner rather than later.

..So wishing I could just blink my eyes and everything would be neat and organized and I could just play to my heart's content.....afterall, it is the season of miracles!! Happy Sunday....

Friday, December 05, 2008


The adorable but stubborn Willy watching over me...

I should be ashamed that THIS is how my dining table's what happens when I'm in the midst of creating.....just another reminder I have got to get my drafting table unloaded and my studio (sounds so much better saying studio) organized!

Small Justice...

OJ sentenced to prison......for once someone has to pay for their crime......maybe not enough but at least it's something for once.

2009 Scrappin Time...

Just throwing this out there.....somewhat of a challenge to scrap in 2009 (Okay so it's really to get me to scrap more). Let's post weekly an idea to scrap...such as scrap 'today'....scrap something that makes you happy...scrap a pet...scrap a favorite get the idea.....

You have 26 days before the new year to think about it!!!

Thursday, December 04, 2008

So Many Projects... little time. As I go over the list in my head of things to do before the end of year, end of next week even, I am starting to feel a bit overwhelmed. I need to finish up my Christmas cards and get them in the mail. I need to mail a package to my brother since it's somewhat time sensitive. I need to get office gifts done--especially since there's only one more week before break. I have a couple other little items to get in the mail to different people. And then there's all the scrapping I want to do for me. And then I think of all the things I want to do over break. At least I already realize that it will be next to impossible to do it all....but at least I can make the effort to put a dent in the list!! Most important is to kick back and relax some.

Damn that Ali Edwards....

...well, not literally. She has what I think is a cool blog with lots of creative stuff that inspires me (if only I'd actually sit down and make the stuff). Anyway...she's been giving away stuff and posting links to the products and one site has now sucked me in...I've visited twice....and bought twice. It's and they feature one product (yes, just one product) each day at exceptionally low prices. It's so easy to click on buy and then pay through paypal. So not only am I getting cute stuff at a low price, it'll be delivered to my door (practically). Looking forward to checking the mail now. I guess this is just Merry Christmas to me since I have no idea when my goodies will arrive....and who knows, maybe I'll forget everything I buy so each trip to the mailbox will be a surprise--just like Christmas morning!!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Go Figure...

I actually did sit down and make two cards before bed last night. It was like I had a burst of energy....and I managed to get out of bed around 6a this morning and actually go get breakfast before getting ready for work. Let's hope this burst of energy lasts!!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008


I honestly would never have thought a run into town after work would have given me a spark of energy but it seems to have done so (but just a spark). Now the question is just how long will it last before I am down for the count? Book club was nothing overly exciting but the company was fantastic and I think that's what did the trick. Hey hearing a children's story read in an um, adult manner is amusing... So here it is, nearing 10pm and I'm showered and contemplating playing a bit before bed. Maybe I can at least get a card or two made...wish me luck!!

One Day Closer... day closer to winter break....but oh the work that will have to be done between now and the 12th! If I can just get my body to hold out for 8 more days....woke this morning with the dreaded flu like symptoms and I'm hoping it's just a reaction to an injection last night and not the actual flu cause that would suck!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Momma's cornbread dressing...

Cause it's just not the holidays without it!

Just couldn't resist....

Ready to Organize...

Picked up these two cubes on sale at Michaels (bought a total of three)

Three C's....

Creating, Cooking and Cleaning (sort of).

So much to get done today! It's been a nice, busy but fun weekend and now I prepare to return to reality. I so wanted to stay in bed and sleep longer this morning but knew if I didn't get up I'd be there all day and that was just not an option today!

So....I am working on various projects today. My Christmas cards are almost finished (yeah me!)--thus the creating part.....I'm cooking the small turkey breast I picked up---there's the cooking....and I've got laundry started and hope to pick up a bit--that's the sort of cleaning.

As is the norm for the weekend after Thanksgiving I know I've spent entirely too much money and it's not even December 1 (pay day was Wednesday). There are just a few more things I need/want to pick up and then I'm done with any sort of holiday shopping. Though I do confess the majority of the purchases this weekend were for Merry Christmas to me! I've found a few things this year that just say Merry so of course I've had to buy them! It's my only chance to get personalized items! Guess it's a good thing the primary color in my living room is red since most everything I find is red or green....heehee.....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


It's almost the end of the work week, it's almost Thanksgiving, it's almost the end of the year....


Looking forward to a long weekend, two hectic weeks at work to follow and then almost three weeks off. For the first time I'm finally starting to really look forward to and anticipate the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday weekend. I guess things have just been too hectic and I was almost feeling overwhelmed by all the holiday hype which seems to have started super early this year. Perhaps a part of it is due to still trying to find my groove after such a crazy, almost surreal year.

So here on Tuesday I am thinking of all the things that can be done once the clock strikes 4p tomorrow. And then there are all the projects I would love to accomplish or perhaps just tackle. Oh...and then there are the black Friday sales though there's really nothing I need but I'm sure there'll be something I feel I need--LOL. For instance, I just found out Michaels will open Thanksgiving evening at 6p and have cricut cartridges on sale for 29.99....just trying to decide now if it's worth going in for!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Wow....looking back I see the last grateful post was the 8th. Guess I've been busier or more tired than I thought. With that said, here are more gratitudes--in no particular order....

Thankful to have a Walmart a short distance from home (since the closest when I moved here was almost 20 miles away but now we have our own). So convenient when little things creep up or when I do things like not purchase a USB cable at the same time I purchase a new printer.

So grateful to be comfortable enough to afford a few the countless scrapbooking goodies I own. By no means am I wealthy but I get by.

Grateful for digital photography.

What a wonderful thing to have the internet and access to virtually anything at our fingertips. So much technology and information.

Thankful for wonderful, funny, caring coworkers and colleagues.

Anyone who knows me knows spring was quite bumpy for me but I am thankful for the fairly quick detection that I was suffering from MS. I am also grateful for the proactive treatment that my doc put me on.

In light of the previous statement, I am also grateful to have found MS World on the internet. It's provided great support. I have a place I can go if I have questions about what I'm experiencing or just need a little support. What a great thing it is.

I am so thankful that my mother instilled in me a passion for reading. Granted I may not do it as often as I might like but I do love to read.

Thankful to the area stores who host wonderful classes by prominent folks in the scrapbooking world and the opportunity to take the classes.

Thankful for beautiful, sunny days.

I am grateful to have been able to get a new feather bed/mattress topper. I've been sleeping better than I have in some time!

I am thankful for what scrapbooking as a hobby has brought into my life. Not only am I able to document memories and make pretty things, but I have also formed wonderful friendships.

Even though I may say otherwise at times, I am thankful for Willy. He's getting old but he is a sweet cat.

Thankful for the opportunity of education and the fact I have obtained advanced degrees--despite the debt that goes with them.

Silly but I'm thankful for text messaging because it was what kept me in touch while I was hospitalized earlier this year.

So, even though I may not have been posting daily I have been thinking of the many things for which I am thankful.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Trying to motivate myself...

Wow...I look at the calendar and see there are only 15 more work days before Christmas break and actually only 14 for me since I'll be out of the office at a workshop tomorrow. Of course, even though we're off for nearly three weeks (one day shy of to be exact--yes we go back to work on a Friday!) I'll be working a day or two over the break to make certain we don't start the new year too far behind. But I digress....

I am thinking of all the things I need/want to get accomplished (making gifts, etc) and know I have to got to get my rear in gear!! I have been procrastinating finishing up the book from my recent trip. I think about it almost constantly but never seem to muster the energy to sit and work on it. Tonight that is on my list--especially since it's Schwans pizza for dinner and the fact that I actually printed pictures. Wish me luck!!!

TOO wordy...

I decided the posts were getting a bit too wordy so I'm posting an old picture of Willy....didn't think anyone wanted to see another Oak Ridge Boys

New Addiction...

Thanks to a coworker I discovered cinnamon sugar pecans from the local nut distributor (started to say nut Then I found Fisher Cinnamon Pecans at Walmart (at a much cheaper price). I am now addicted to them. I took a can with me on vacation (good thing cause Walmart up there did not have them) and they were the perfect little protein snack in the car. Since returning I have a can on my desk and find myself going into it several times a day. I use it as a little pick-me-up. I just had a handful and could go for another handful but I am going to restrain myself...for at least ten or twenty minutes!!

On another note, I bought a new printer over the weekend and last night I finally managed to print some pictures on it. What a wonderful thing it is. Now if I can just get myself in gear to scrap some of them! Maybe, maybe, maybe tonight...maybe.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Instant Gratification and Excess....

Why is it we see something and we feel we must have it and usually sooner rather than later??? It seems (at least maybe to me) that is caused--at least partly--by the shift in society and attitudes. We feel we have to have the newest, biggest, brightest, best whatever. Our friend/neighbor/coworker/family member/rival has it so we must as well and we need bigger/better/more expensive than them. People have gone away from saving/waiting/working for what they want. And it is a case of want. And like everyone, I am guilty too. The thought of going back to basics seems appealing but could I (or anyone else for that matter) handle it? With the current economic conditions perhaps we will see a shift take place but, can the leopard really change its spots?

...ok, off my political/philosophical soapbox and back to wanting the My Minds Eye Christmas papers I just saw!!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008


Seems I seldom get as much accomplished as I want to. Carol suggests I should be a list maker. I do make lists at times. My real problem is actually following the list and crossing things off without continually moving them to a new list. Carol reminds me I have to actually complete tasks on the list! What a novel concept. Perhaps that should be another of my goals for 2009...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Planning for 2009......

Like it or not, the holiday season has started and the end of the year is fast approaching. As I am bombarded with everything Christmas I am also thinking of the fact that 2009 is literally around the corner. As I've stated in previous years I am not one to make resolutions because it seems too much of a letdown when they cannot be followed or maintained. Instead I prefer to set goals for the new year. In the coming days/weeks I'll need to find my old post and the things I had hoped to accomplish in 2008 and note what happened and what did not (I know of several that did not).

Perhaps I'll add those things to my 2009 list. However there is one thing I already know I want on my 2009 list and that is to make time to scrap. I would like to say that I'll do something daily but fear that may be a bit too ambitious. I'll shoot for weekly and hope for daily. So there is my first goal for 2009! More later....

Fun Ahead...'s finally Friday. This evening is the first Delta Phi Scrappa meeting and I am excited. What a great group of gals to hang with. And I know it's a forgiving group (because my grand plans to get albums made for our 'service project' has just not happened for me the last couple of nights). Maybe I can get one made during lunch today!

Tomorrow it's off to By Design for the Junk Binder class. It's something I signed up for somewhat last minute on the fly (from Branson) but I am excited about it. I am also excited about being at By Design cause it's such a cool store. I'm sure I'll end up spending way too much money as usual!

Initially I had planned to spend Sunday taking it easy and catching up on things...and then I got a call about Joey's clear album class. What can I say. I couldn't resist signing up to hang with the girls for another afternoon of creating.

So here I am on the verge of a scrap-packed weekend. Is it 5p yet???

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Yes, I am many aspects. I need to catch up on my grateful blogging, I need to pick up around my apartment, I have a list of things I need to get done, I need to get things together for my scrap adventures this weekend. How did I ever manage to work full time, run mom all over to doctor appointments, go to grad school and get everything done??? Now by the time I get home from work I just want to collapse on the couch. The good news is the weeked is coming.

Now I'll bore you with more Oak Ridge Boys pictures--I'm reliving last week since I won't see them till January.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Scraptober Winner......

There were four individuals who played along and two who met the challenge of 15 posts-minimum. Choosing a winner between the two was difficult but it is now done.

The winner will receive a gift certificate for one hour of indulgence (massage) at Massage Envy. Personally I see Emily at the Greatwood location and she's terrific.

And the winner is.........Carol! Congradulations on a job well done.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Bye Branson...till next time....

Not so happy day...

There were a few things today that weren't exactly what I'd bargained for in returning to work--well one thing actually--but hopefully it's behind me If I can just put it out of my head! Just one of those things you know you have to do but try to avoid it thinking it will resolve itself and when you realize it won't you must deal with it. Yeah, one of those things.

And I know I have to catch up on my grateful blogging....

November 8: Is it okay to say I'm grateful (once again) for arriving at my destination (home) safely? Ya see, just as I pulled out of my hotel in Branson, my check engine light came on (and I never did take a picture!). So here I was nearly 700 miles from home with only the option of praying there was no real problem and heading home. There were no problems that I could detect and believe me, I kept checking. But I made it home, safe. Okay, if you insist on something else, how about two kitties who were happy to welcome me home!

November 9: Thankful for the luxury of a washer and dryer in my apartment to my laundry at my leisure.

November 10: Happy to have a mechanic I could call to check my car--free!!!

Back to Reality...

....The alarm clock rang too early and I managed to drag myself out of bed and to the office. I even managed to do so early enough to run through Mickey D's and get breakfast and get in the office before my boss. So now reality is setting in and I'm hit full force in the face with it--two people have called in. Usually the days when staff is out end up being super hectic. So much for easing back in slowly.

More later....

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Home at last...

After a twelve hour drive that included detouring over to Conroe to avoid a gigantic traffic snarl on 59 just outside Cleveland (that appeared to go on for miles--cars were literally stopped), I am home. The weather was perfect--even turning downright cold last night (I had a drink in the car from yesterday evening that still had ice in it this morning!). As I expected, it was another wonderful trip to the Ozarks and I hated to leave it behind this morning. But since I've yet to become independently wealthy or a kept woman, I had to return home and to reality.

There were many highlights to the trip and as always, the Oaks were a big plus. Since they aren't coming south this year it was a chance to see the new Christmas production-always a treat. They're still working out the kinks but it's coming along and everyone who sees it is in for a treat. Though a shade early, it was fun kicking off the holidays with the Boys. In addition to seeing the show it was wonderful seeing friends and having a chance to visit with various individuals. And a big thank you to those who expressed their concern for me--it means more than you know.

Naturally I spent too much money and probably ate too much too. But then, isn't that what vacations are for?? On the upside, I've already started documenting my trip. Maybe I'll be able to get that wrapped up tomorrow while I do laundry and get set to return to the reality of work come Monday morning.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Some favorite memories....


How did it get to be Friday so quickly??? My last full day in Branson. A day I've basically spent out on the roads enjoying the sights and mild (even downright cold at times) temps. And now I feel the hours dwindling away. This time tomorrow I'll be back on the road with these memories of another wonderful trip (yet one that as usual seems too short).

Catching Up....

Though my eyes are still a bit heavy I'll try to catch up on my 'grateful blogging':

November 3: Grateful to have arrived at my destination safe and sound and ready for some fun and relaxation

November 4: Many thanks to my mother for my sense of adventure and even a bit of wanderlust. She always told me if there was something I wanted to do not to wait around for someone else but to embark on the adventure on my own otherwise I'd always be waiting and miss out.

November 5 Thankful to live in a land where I am free and can do as I choose.

November 6: (Cheese warning....)Ever so thankful for the finding my way back to the Oak Ridge Boys and their music. Go ahead, roll your eyes (you know you want to) but my feelings go deeper than just admiration for a music group. I don't speak much of religion cause it's a private thing for me but I am ever so grateful the Lord led me back to the Oaks. And it does sound a bit cheesy but they came back into my life giving me something I'd been missing. They brought a message of hope and peace. Little did I know it was going to be the last year or so of mom's life. They gave us something to do together. They brought me friendships that would help me through the difficult times after her passing. They gave me their friendship. No longer the pie-eyed girl watching figures larger than life (at the time) from the top of the Astrodome...I now call these gentlemen friends. I've had the great fortune of being able to spend time talking with each about things that really matter not just superficial pleasantries. I've had them show concern for me (thanks to Richard for the chat the other night). So cheesy as it may sound, I am thankful for the Oak Ridge Boys.

November 7: Grateful for the ability to take a few days off to go and do whatever I choose and to have the means to do so. I am by no stretch of the imagination wealthy and I can certainly benefit from budgeting but I am able to pretty much do whatever I want, when I want. I often hear mom's voice Do you want it?....Get it......maybe not always the best advice but it's served me well.

So I believe that now catches me up!!!

Vacation coming to an end.......

First let me apologize for not blogging....I just got the laptop to connect to the net--first time since I arrived. Yes, I know I am behind on grateful blogging but please be patient--I will catch up (but not tonight since it's nearly 1am and I am tired).

Tomorrow is my last day in the Ozarks. Other than seeing Joe Diffie tomorrow night and then the Grand Jubilee Radio Show I don't really have any plans. I want to soak in everything I can before heading back to reality. The weather has been perfect and I've enjoyed every minute. I look forward to being home but will miss the downtime I have been enjoying. Oh and I'll miss seeing the Oaks too!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Sunday adventures...

Thankfully they are nothing like last night. The door knob is fixed-hoooray. The extra deadbolt won't turn all the way but I'll worry with that when I return. The keyed lock works and that's what matters most at this point.

Now I just need to get in gear and get packed. Anytime I travel it's always the same old thing--waiting till practically the last minute to get things together. You would think this would be easier since it's pleasure so I can wear whatever....but it's not. Knowing me I'll still be trying to figure out what to take at 10/11p tonight and then will end up taking more than I would or could possibly ever wear!

Today I am thankful for the extra hour of time that I used snoozing--I needed that!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Cute Target Find

Can you say PISSED....

So I spent a good chunk of the day doing nothing. It's not that I didn't have anything to do--there's plenty--I was just trying to catch up on rest. I finally got out about four to run a few errands (forgot a few) and got home just about nine. And I could NOT get my door open. The lock turned but the tumbler on the door knob just turned....never opening the door.

I called the office and got the emergency maitenance number for what good it did. I began calling about every five minutes trying to get an answer. I finally managed to track down the lady who works for the complex cleaning the apartments for make ready. She didn't quite understand and asked if there was somewhere else I could stay tonight! THAT pissed me off (as if I wasn't pissed already). OH and she tells me the maintenance guy is already sleeping and won't answer. So what the hell good is the emergency maintenance number??? ]

She comes over and the first thing she does is ask for my keys to unlock the door. Surprisingly, the door is already unlocked and it still won't open. Fortunately she brought a screwdriver and was trying to open the door with it. My neighbor across from me was leaving but gave us a butter knife before she did so. FINALLY, that did the trick and tripped the door knob. Now I just have to get maintenance here TOMORROW to fix the damn door so I can leave as planned early Monday.

Not exactly the activities I had planned for when I returned home.

A Month of Thankfulness

Carol threw out a challenge to everyone to post daily the things for which they are thankful. It's a reminder to each of us to cherish each moment and be thankful for all the things in our lives whether good or bad. It might sound odd to mention being thankful for the bad things but think about it a moment; the bad things can really help us to grow and in retrospect end up being a good thing. So, celebrate the good but also think about the bad and what good might come from it.

That said, I am thankful for the wonderful friendships I have. All unique, each person brings something special to my life. For how dull would it be if it weren't for colorful friends?

Rocky Horror Comes to Wharton

Friday, October 31, 2008

I L-O-V-E Fall.....

This is my favorite time of year....always has been. Maybe it's because my birthday falls in October. And of course we start to have cooler weather. Then there are all the activities going on from now through the end of the year. All the lights, etc. Having a wonderful winter break (one of the good things about working in education). January hits and it's somewhat of a let down. But for now I can enjoy today and the coming weeks. So with that I saw Happy Fall to All!!

Happy Halloweenie.....

Triple-whammy today! Halloween......Friday.....and Payday!!!!! Oh and for me I guess it's really a quadruple whammy since my vacation begins at 5p today. Lots of work to get done today....Rocky Horror tonight (I'll try to sneak some pics if possible)....LOTS to get done over the weekend then Monday ON THE ROAD!!!!! I can feel myself cruising the Ozark roads now. Like the song says...'You can get there from anywhere, when you're going in your head'.